Fraternity Life at The University of Mississippi.
Use this mobile resource as your guide to IFC’s Formal Recruitment process and to learn about our chapters.
May 1 - August 1
Registration Window
August 22 — August 30
Formal Recruitment Dates
“The Interfraternity Council at the University of Mississippi prides itself on our commitment to a holistic experience that allows our members to develop personally and professionally as members of our community. As you review the Recruitment Guide, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have about our community or our commitment to continued fraternal excellence.”
- Beckett Abington,
IFC President
“Since its founding in 1848, the University of Mississippi has been shaped by the fraternity men who call Ole Miss home. We are excited that you are interested in leaving your legacy at UM by joining the Fraternal Movement. If you’re looking for a community that will challenge you to be a better man then we will find a spot for you in the Interfraternity Council. I encourage you to contact myself or the IFC Executive Board should you need any assistance throughout your recruitment process.”
- Jack Reed,
Vice President of Recruitment
Formal Recruitment Checklist
Follow IFC on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to stay updated with important information regarding your recruitment (@UnivMissIFC).
Register for IFC Formal Recruitment (Open on May 1st).
Update transcripts with the University of Mississippi Registrar & Admissions.
Review the 2025 PNM Code of Conduct (Expectations) and be sure you meet the GPA requirement — 2.70/4.00.
Review information about our chapters under the “Fraternities” link on the Recruitment Guide.
Stop by the Interfraternity Council table at your orientation session.
Attend and complete all Educational Programming required by Fraternity and Sorority Life.
The Specifics
Registration for 2025 Formal Recruitment is available online at ifc.olemiss.edu beginning May 1, 2025, and includes a non-refundable registration fee. Price will be $200 for registration.
Recruitment Registration Fee
May 1st - August 1st: $200
Grade Requirement
As agreed upon by all IFC fraternities through the IFC bylaws, potential new members must have a 2.70 / 4.00 cumulative GPA to participate in Formal Recruitment, receive a membership invitation at any time during the year, or be initiated into a fraternity. There is no exception to this requirement.
Academic Transcripts
Students should submit their final high school or college transcripts after graduation or course completion. Grades are verified by the transcripts on file with the University of Mississippi. The cumulative GPA on the transcript is the one used for Formal Recruitment.
Students should make sure their academic transcripts reflect a cumulative GPA on a 4.00 scale. Because your high school or college understands your courses and credits best, Fraternity & Sorority Life and the university do not calculate a cumulative GPA. Please make sure the cumulative GPA on a 4.00 scale is listed on the transcript before it is mailed to the university.
Update and mail final transcripts ASAP to:
Office of Admissions, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848.